Charity inspired at home...

We’re pleased to say that our work with the Saints Foundation inspired our own family members to undertake a fundraising mission last week to raise awareness of the Foundation. Rachel Willsher (Matt’s wife) and her children didn’t know much about the Foundation before seeing some of the videos and hearing about the projects we were filming. With community spirit being incredibly important for us all at the moment, it highlighted just how valuable the work is that the Foundation do in our local community. 

With this in mind - and with the desire to do something to help charities who may be unable to get the support they need at this time - the family set up a Justgiving page and made friendship bracelets to sell to local residents as a small way to ‘do their bit’ (whilst observing social distancing of course!). To their surprise this raised a staggering £700 in just one day for the Foundation - and had a run of extra orders to fulfil! The team at Bullet are very proud of their family and pleased to have been able to help a charity very close our hearts.